Brief Overview of the Academic Data System web site


·         The web site allows you to take tests, submit assignments, and sign up for teacher appointments and groups

·         If you are registered in the course, you have an account on the system (if you registered recently and cannot log in, inform the teacher to update the registration information for you)

·         You log in by entering a username, which is your first letter of your first name followed by your last name (use your name as printed on your student ID card).

·         Use your student ID # as your password.  You may change your password after logging in.

·         You will see your schedule.  Purple links are course documents you can view.  Red links are assignments that are open for you to do.  Click on them.  They will be one of the following:

o   Quiz

o   Test

o   An essay to type in (or cut and paste in from a Word document)

o   A document to upload

·         Assignments that have been graded will show your grade and possibly feedback from the teacher.

·         Use links on the left to change your password, upload a picture, or sign up for a teacher appointment or a study groups

·         For appointments and groups, you will see a list.  Click the edit button to make a “choice” of which appointment, or which study group, you desire.